John's work is divided into different 'galleries' as below. He recommends that you start with either Cubeworld or Impossellations. Then, if you are interested in his sources and influences, have a look at his early work. For something a little more light-hearted, see Modern Signs.



This section shows some of John's early work and his principal influences. It includes sketches of mosaics at the Alhambra Palace, photographs of 3-D cube models (which led to Cubeworld), screen-shots of John's early work on computer generated art and images showing his development of DigitEyes, a machine vision system for 3-D digitising.




These are John’s first 'serious' paintings. Some date from the mid 1980's and others were finished only recently. John chose the cube partly because of it's simplicity and symbolic associations (with the earth, the void, the 'Ka'ba', etc.) but mostly because of it's inherent depth ambiguity. John says "the cube represents our own ambiguous experience of the three dimensions of space." 





This section contains images developed from the mathematician Roger Penrose's rhomboid tiles, which can be fitted together with no 'repeat' pattern. This quality is shared by many of the patterns of nature, which are everywhere similar, but never exactly the same.




John's work could be said to follow the 'iconoclastic'  tradition of Judaism, the exemplar of which are Islamic mosaics. John explores his feelings towards monotheism and concludes that he is swimming in a different direction.




John jokes around with signs and symbols. Symbolism in visual art is similar to symbolism in language and the more specific the symbol the less likely it is to be universally appreciated. 



Website, contents and images © John H Moore 2005-6